miercuri, 31 august 2022

Laurentiu, log into Facebook with one click

  Hi Laurentiu, We noticed you're having trouble logging into your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.     Log in with one click       Why did you receive this email? There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know .  

Hi Laurentiu,

We noticed you're having trouble logging into your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.

Log in with one click

Why did you receive this email?

There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know.

This message was sent to iorgalaurentiu@gmail.com.
Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., Attention: Community Operations, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland

marți, 30 august 2022

Detalii tranzacţie paysafecard

Stimate client,

Codul dumneavoastră paysafecard in valoare de 100 RON este: 0624566616760542, seria: 2482200200
Număr de identificare tranzacţie: b6143dd5-a328-ed11-bd6e-14cb651343f9

Pentru a folosi codul PIN urmaţi instrucţiunile de mai jos:

1. Selectați paysafecard atunci când plătiți într-un magazin online
3. Tastati codul PIN format din 16 cifre - final!

Serviciu: info@paysafecard.com/help
paysafecard este în conformitate cu licenţa Paysafe Prepaid Services Limited
Vă rugăm găsiţi termenii generali şi condiţiile la adresa www.paysafecard.com
Avertisment: Nu plătiți niciodată cu paysafecard pentru a vă debloca computerul sau pentru a revendica un presupus premiu al unei competiții
Mai multe informații: www.paysafecard.com/security

O zi excelentă în continuare,
Echipa SelfPay

luni, 22 august 2022

Laurentiu, log into Facebook with one click

  Hi Laurentiu, We noticed you're having trouble logging into your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.     Log in with one click       Why did you receive this email? There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know .  

Hi Laurentiu,

We noticed you're having trouble logging into your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.

Log in with one click

Why did you receive this email?

There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know.

This message was sent to iorgalaurentiu@gmail.com.
Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., Attention: Community Operations, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland

luni, 1 august 2022

Laurentiu, log into Facebook with one click

  Hi Laurentiu, We noticed you're having trouble logging into your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.     Log in with one click       Why did you receive this email? There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know .  

Hi Laurentiu,

We noticed you're having trouble logging into your account. If you need help, click the button below and we'll log you in.

Log in with one click

Why did you receive this email?

There was an unsuccessful login attempt on your account. If this wasn't you, let us know.

This message was sent to iorgalaurentiu@gmail.com.
Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., Attention: Community Operations, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland