luni, 29 decembrie 2014

School of Dragons Gameplay Permission

Welcome to School of Dragons
Dear Parent,

Hiccup, Toothless and the rest of the Hairy Hooligans from DreamWorks Animations' How to Train Your Dragon welcome you and your child to the School of Dragons! Your child has created a free School of Dragons account and needs your permission to take flight into the gameplay.
Click Here to Activate Account
By activating this account, you consent to the collection and use, for internal operational use only, of personal information.

Your child's School of Dragons account information is:

Player's Login: sindeau
Password: marius

Here are some benefits to be gained from your child's School of Dragons' account:
In connection with your child's request, School of Dragons has collected the following information from your child, information that is for internal use only and will never be displayed or shared:

Your email address as parent or guardian

Their chosen player name and password

Please note that if you choose not to provide consent, all information related to this request will be deleted within 30 days.

SUPPORT: If this email address has been provided without your consent or if you wish to delete this School of Dragons' account request for any reason, please click HERE.

PRIVACY: The privacy of our customers is very important to School of Dragons and we are very sensitive to the need to protect the privacy of your child. We require all users to enter their age at the time of registration. For children under the age of 13 who wish to play as registered users on the site, we requested a parent or guardian's email address in order to obtain your permission. Your email address is only used for this notification and, if no response is received within 30 days, this information will be deleted. During your child's initial request to register, they may enter a user name and a password (both of which are securely stored, used for internal purposes only and never shared or displayed). If, at any point in the future, we wish to collect any information from your child that will be used other than for internal use only, we must first obtain your verifiable parental consent. Please click HERE to read more about our Privacy Policy.

RULES OF CONDUCT: For our Rules of Conduct please click HERE.

TERMS OF USE: As with any site we have rules to which our users must agree. Please click here to review the Terms of Use for School of Dragons. You and your child will be held to these Terms and if you choose to disagree or do not wish your child to be held to these Terms you must cancel your child's account immediately by clicking here. Note that both the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use are always available to review by clicking on the links at the bottom of the School of Dragons' home page.

We are looking forward to both you and your child's participation in the School of Dragons.

© School of Dragons |

luni, 24 noiembrie 2014

We're updating our terms and policies and introducing Privacy Basics

Hi Laurentiu,
We wanted to let you know we're updating our terms and policies on January 1, 2015 and introducing Privacy Basics. You can check out the details below or on Facebook.
Over the past year, we've introduced new features and controls to help you get more out of Facebook, and listened to people who have asked us to better explain how we get and use information.
Now, with Privacy Basics, you'll get tips and a how-to guide for taking charge of your experience on Facebook. We're also updating our terms, data policy and cookies policy to reflect new features we've been working on and to make them easy to understand. And we're continuing to improve ads based on the apps and sites you use off Facebook and expanding your control over the ads you see.
We hope these updates improve your experience. Protecting people's information and providing meaningful privacy controls are at the core of everything we do, and we believe today's announcement is an important step.
Erin Egan
Global Chief Privacy Officer

Updating Our Terms and Policies: Helping You Understand How Facebook Works and How to Control Your Information
Privacy Basics
Privacy Basics offers interactive guides to answer the most commonly asked questions about how you can control your information on Facebook. For example, you can learn about untagging, unfriending, blocking, and how to choose an audience for each of your posts. This information is available in 36 languages.
Along with our privacy checkup, reminder for people posting publicly and simplified audience selectors, Privacy Basics is the latest step we've taken to help you make sure you're sharing with the people you want.
Helping you get more out of Facebook
Every day, people use our apps and services to connect with the people, places and things they care about. The updates to our policies reflect the new products we've been working on to improve your Facebook experience. They also explain how our services work in a way that's easier to understand. Here are some highlights:
  • Discover what's going on around you: We're updating our policies to explain how we get location information depending on the features you decide to use. Millions of people check into their favorite places and use optional features like Nearby Friends (currently only available in some regions). We're working on ways to show you the most relevant information based on where you are and what your friends are up to. For example, in the future, if you decide to share where you are, you might see menus from restaurants nearby or updates from friends in the area.
  • Make purchases more convenient: In some regions, we're testing a Buy button that helps people discover and purchase products without leaving Facebook. We're also working on new ways to make transactions even more convenient.
  • Find information about privacy on Facebook at the moment you need it: To make them more accessible, we moved tips and suggestions to Privacy Basics. Our data policy is shorter and clearer, making it easier to read.
  • Understand how we use the information we receive: For example, we use device information to optimize your mobile experience, like understanding battery and signal strength to help us make sure our apps work well for you. We ask for permission to use your phone's location when we offer optional features like check-ins or adding your location to posts.
  • Get to know how the family of Facebook companies and apps work together: Over the past few years, Facebook has grown and we want to make sure you know about our family of companies, apps and services. We use the information we collect to improve your experience. For example, if you're locked out of your Instagram account, you can use your Facebook information to recover your password. Nothing in our updates changes the commitments that Instagram, WhatsApp and other companies have made to protect your information and your privacy.
  • Your information and advertising: People sometimes ask how their information is shared with advertisers. Nothing is changing with these updates—we help advertisers reach people with relevant ads without telling them who you are. Learn more about ads and how you can control the ads you see.
Giving you more control over ads
We've heard from some of you that it can be difficult to control the types of ads you see if you use multiple devices and browsers. In the past, if you opted out of certain kinds of advertising on your laptop, that choice may not have been applied for ads on your phone. We know that many people use more than one phone, tablet or browser to access Facebook, so it should be easy for you to make a single choice that applies across all of your devices.
That's why Facebook respects the choices you make about the ads you see, across every device. You can opt out of seeing ads on Facebook based on the apps and sites you use through the Digital Advertising Alliance. You can also opt out using controls on iOS and Android. When you tell us you don't want to see these types of ads, your decision automatically applies to every device you use to access Facebook. Also, we're now making ad preferences available in additional countries, beginning with Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland and the UK.
These updates take effect on January 1, 2015. As always, we welcome your feedback about our policies.
Facebook Ireland Ltd. 4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour Dublin 2 Ireland; Facebook, Inc. 1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025

duminică, 16 noiembrie 2014

Getting back onto Facebook

Sorry you've been having trouble logging into your Facebook account. Get back on Facebook now You can also get password help or login help on Facebook. If you're still having trouble or believe this was sent by mistake, please visit our login help page:
Sorry you've been having trouble logging into your Facebook account.
Get back on Facebook now
You can also get password help or login help on Facebook.
If you're still having trouble or believe this was sent by mistake, please visit our login help page:

joi, 21 august 2014

Welcome to Facebook

  Your account has been created — now it will be easier than ever to share and connect with your friends.   Here are three ways for you to get the most out of it:   Find Friends Find people you know on Facebook using our simple tools. Upload a Profile Photo Personalize your profile and help your friends recognize you. Edit Your Profile Describe personal interests, contact information, and affiliations.  
Your account has been created — now it will be easier than ever to share and connect with your friends.
Here are three ways for you to get the most out of it:
Find Friends
Find people you know on Facebook using our simple tools.
Upload a Profile Photo
Personalize your profile and help your friends recognize you.
Edit Your Profile
Describe personal interests, contact information, and affiliations.
Get Started
This message was sent to If you don't want to receive these emails from Facebook in the future, please unsubscribe.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

luni, 18 august 2014

Pagini interesante de pe Facebook

Apreciază paginile de care eşti interesat(ă) pentru a primi actualizări în secţiunea Noutăţi.
Apreciază aceste pagini pentru a primi actualizări în Noutăţile tale.
Ruby Official
Ruby Official
Alex Velea
Alex Velea
B.U.G. Mafia
B.U.G. Mafia
FC Steaua Bucuresti
FC Steaua Bucuresti
Radio ZU
Radio ZU
Găseşte mai multe pagini
Deschide Facebook
Acest mesaj a fost trimis către Dacă nu doreşti să mai primeşti acest tip de mesaje de e-mail de la Facebook, te rugăm să anulezi abonarea.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Pagini interesante de pe Facebook

Apreciază paginile de care eşti interesat(ă) pentru a primi actualizări în secţiunea Noutăţi.
Apreciază aceste pagini pentru a primi actualizări în Noutăţile tale.
Anna Lesko
Anna Lesko
Delia Official
Delia Official
Eduard CRBL
Eduard CRBL
Găseşte mai multe pagini
Deschide Facebook
Acest mesaj a fost trimis către Dacă nu doreşti să mai primeşti acest tip de mesaje de e-mail de la Facebook, te rugăm să anulezi abonarea.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

joi, 14 august 2014

Acţiune necesară: confirmă contul tău Facebook

Salut Laurentiu,

Te-ai înscris recent pe Facebook. Pentru a termina înscrierea pe Facebook, urmează acest link:

Ţi se poate cere să introduci acest cod de confirmare: 19352

Facebook the ajută să comunici şi să păstrezi legătura cu toţi prietenii tăi. Odată ce te alături comunităţii Facebook, vei putea distribui fotografiile tale, vei putea planifica evenimente şi multe altele.

Îţi mulţumim,
Echipa Facebook

Nu te-ai înregistrat pe Facebook? Te rugăm să ne anunţi:

Mai este doar un pas pentru a avea cont pe Facebook

  Aproape ai terminat procesul de înscriere     Laurentiu Iorga iorgalaurentiu @ gmail . com       Confirmă-ţi contul       Este posibil să ţi se solicite introducerea acestui cod de confirmare:  87090
Aproape ai terminat procesul de înscriere
Este posibil să ţi se solicite introducerea acestui cod de confirmare: 87090